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Our Newborn Baby (Award Winning Arabic Story Book)
Arabic kids book (Newborn)
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Product Code: SANABIL-NH113

Our Newborn Baby (award winner)*
المولود الجديد
Product Description
This is a delightful Arabic picture book for children. This award-winning Arabic story book is beautifully illustrated with vibrant colors. It tells a warm and engaging story that helps young ones appreciate the value of friendship and a strong sense of community.

Hard Cover

Ages 6 +
رُزقت الغزالة هيفاء مولوداً‮ ‬جديداً،‮ ‬أسمته‮ «بدر‮». ‬فاجتمع الأصدقاء في‮ ‬الغابة،‮ ‬وقرّروا تقديم هدية‮ ‬يشتركون في‮ ‬صنعها‮. ‬تُرى، ماذا كانت تلك الهدية؟

* Winner of the Noma Concours award for the best picture book illustrations- Japan Asia/ Pacific, organized by Asia Cultural center for UNESCO (ACCU).