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The Rolling Pumpkin
The Rolling Pumpkin
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Product Code: SANABIL-NH076

The Rolling Pumpkin ( اليقطينة المتدحرجة)
Product Description

Enjoy this Arabic story with your kids. A smart and witty grandma is on her way to visit her daughter, but she meets a number of hungry animals on her way who can't wait for a big lunch! How will grandma use her wit (and her large pumpkin) to get to her daughter and back to her house safely?

This is a fun story to read to your kids or with them. The illustrations are bright and lively. This book would make a great gift, and will be a great addition to your Arabic library at home.

هي حكاية امرأة عجوز تعيش في الغابة، وتتغلّب بذكائها و”يقطينتها” على كل من الـذِّئب والأسـد والنَّـمـر.. ما هي حكاية هذه اليقطينة؟!

اليقطينة المتدحرجة