Stories of Popular Proverbs / قصة مثل
Product Description
A beautiful book, period. This is one of those Arabic books that is loved by children and adults alike.
Illustrated beautifully with warm colors and vivid images by the award-winning artist and illustrator Intilaq Mohamad Ali. This Arabic picture book tells the story behind popular Arabic proverbs and sayings. The book introduces popular Arabic folk tales in a warm and engaging way that is also funny and entertaining. A great addition to you Arabic library, and a book that one can read over and over.
We are happy that this book is now available on our online Arabic bookstore.
Ideal for children ages 7 and above.
Size: 26.5 cm x 14 cm
36 pages
قصة مثل
التفاصيل: "اختلط الحابل بالنابل"، "على قدر لحافك مد رجليك" و"بين حانة ومانة... ضاعت لِحانا"، "حُكم قراقوش" و"لا تقل فول حتى يصير بالمكيول"... هذه الأمثال وغيرها وردت في هذا الكتاب وفيه قصص أمثال شعبية مختارة - Dar Al Hadaek - ومتداولة بين الناس يتناقلونها جيلاً بعد جيل